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Total Gifts:

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Andrea Ficks's tribute page:

Tricia Pearce

Total Number of Gifts: 11
Total Value of Gifts: $730.00

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Sandy Roseman and Ted Francisco

The Anopolsky Family

Sardilli family

Eileen Pelletier

Lynn Baker

Amy & Dan LaPlante

Deborah Northrop

Sean Pendergast

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Tricia was a true warrior. She took her diagnosis of Alzheimer's in stride and continued to live an admirable life to the end. She was diagnosed at age 68 and recently died almost 10 years later. She took the opportunity to educate others about the disease and she used this platform to do good. She participated in the annual Alzheimer's Walk at Rentschler field, she had a role in "To Whom I May Concern" which is an interactive theatre that gives a voice to those diagnosed with this progressive brain illness and she enrolled in a clinical trial. It was her goal to get the word out about the disease and to not be ashamed or embarrassed by it. It was her hope that someday the world will be Alzheimer's free!

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